However, it is also totally the first thing that popped into my head upon receiving not one but two blog related awards! Does that make me cheesy and unoriginal?
Yay me!
It's like I told my brother last week on the phone, "The people reading my blog like me better than my real life friends and family!" And then he said, "That's because they don't really know you."
And then I felt stupid, went to the kitchen and cooked something....but that matters not.
What matters is awards....obviously. So I win.
I started this blog almost a year ago as a way to force myself to write. It's really only been since the loss of my mother that I've been trying to put myself out there...the words "self promotion" send shivers up and down my spine and make my stomach flip over. The fact is though, I've always known that I should be a writer but I have a desperate fear of failure. So, being recognized for my writing, as well as my cooking, is really an amazing thing and I am incredibly humbled and grateful to my fellow bloggers.
Firstly, Tasty Trix has awarded me an inaugural Tasty Award.

Tasty Trix handed out awards to 10 very worthy blogs. Check them out!
Last week Chickenless Chick (another fellow writer) was kind enough to give me a Kreativ Blogger award.

This award involves revealing 7 interesting things about myself and also nominating 7 more blogs for the award.
This feels like pressure but I guess it's just one of the burdens of being "award winning".
Wow, see how fast I let that go to my head? Don't worry though, I'll just call my brother and my equilibrium should be restored.
7 Things
1. I currently live with my fiance, my father, 2 dogs and 3 cats. The animals rule the house.
2. I was once sure I would end up living in London, England. Now I can't imagine being away from my family.
3. I'm a bit of a recluse. I wasn't always but I am now.
4. I am incredibly socially awkward. This is not being helped by my growing reclusivity.
5. I hate my name. I hate Jennifer, I hate Jenn and most of all, I hate Jenny. I won't even respond to SeaBass when he calls me "Jenn", which he does only to annoy me.
My parents were going to call me "Heather" but changed their minds because my Dad's Newfie accent meant that he couldn't pronounce it. He say's "Hedda". I'm not sure I like Heather, but I like it better than Jennifer.
6. I looove clothes...and fashion. This passion is totally wasted up here in cottage country. This does not stop me from getting all dressed up just to go to the farmer's market.
7. I think I have undiagnosed ADD. And obsessive compulsiveness. Opinions?
7 Nominated Blogs
All of these blogs focus on the things I love in a blog. That's why I like 'em.
Salty Seattle - amazing food, great writing, great photography.
Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker - simple comfort cooking and great writing.
Extraordinary Ordinary - great writing!
Furey and the Feast - I fell in love with her upon spying the bacon caramels.
Memorie di Angelina - traditional Italian cooking and a great source of information.
How Sweet it Is - funny and real and great recipes.
Guilty Kitchen - great recipes, beautiful photography and of course, good writing.
First of all, thank you for passing the award on to you, I am always amazed that anyone likes what I have to say.
Second, I recently read on a pediatric bipolar site that 85% of children who are bipolar are also ADHD. It certainly is true of my son.
Thank you so, so much. It really means alot to me. :) I can't believe people actually read what I write!
i tried to post a lengthy comment here yesterday when i first read your award-centric post, but apparently it was lost as i came back today and don't see it! in any case, salty seattle thanks you so much, and the gist of what i had written is that i love meeting people i have alot in common with, and you are so obviously a kindred spirit- fabulous to connect with you in the blogosphere. now i hope this comment posts...
Oh my, thank you so much for this award! I am truly, truly honored. I've never won a blog award before! I said this in response to your comment on my blog, but in case you don't read comments: Please continue with your writing/photography. This post cracked me up and I am sure you have much, much more in you that readers will continue to love.
Thanks so much for this award. I am very honored!
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