I had never before encountered garlic like this.
Without even breaking open the skin the aroma was overwhelming in it's pure, unadulterated garlickyness.
And the skin, so wonderfully thin was streaked with beautiful purple veins.

And I fell head over heels, truly, madly, deeply in love with Ontario garlic.
So spicy, so pungent, so layered in flavour that for the first while I only used it fresh; in vinaigrettes, in bruschetta, in anything I could think of.
I began to hoard the garlic, making almost daily trips to the farm stand, adding to my carefully guarded stock, fearing that one day I would arrive and there would be no more.
I couldn't figure out at first why grocery store garlic couldn't compare to my new love. I was sure my favourite farmer had some secret strand of garlic and I alone had discovered the deliciousness.
...Turns out I was getting a bit delusional.
Is it possible to stalk an inanimate food?
Upon questioning the farmer (why didn't I think to inquire about the garlic before I went all Mark David Chapman on the ? Um, 'cause I'm totally socially awkward and incapable of normal interpersonal interaction. Plus I didn't want to draw attention to my precious find and risk losing my corner on the market.)
I learned that imported (inferior) garlic is way cheaper than the locally grown product and, well, "the stores just don't want to pay more for it."
What that means for me is that I eventually I did have to say farewell to my love, at least for the winter.

I can't promise not to use garlic until the Ontario crop comes around again (I might be nuts but I'm not a masochist) but I will feel the pain of it's absence with each inferior clove.
Oh! I know what you are talking about, some garlics don't even hold a candle to fresh local. Loved your blog by the way.
I am reading the Outlander series myself (only on the 3rd book, Voyager, and I was compelled to do a search for bannocks, cock-a-leekie soup and all of the other yummy-sounding Scottish dishes contained therein. I've even begun, quite unconsciously, calling my 6 year-old "my wee bairn". Glad I found your blog!
it's ridiculous, I've read them like 6 or 7 times. i keep going back to them. The new one just came out last month and, um, i've read it twice!
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