Sunday, February 21, 2010

a case for home cooking

For Valentine's Day SeaBass gave me a Garland gas stove.

Actually it wasn't really for Valentine's Day. SeaBass knew a guy who had this stove to get rid of and it just so happened that it was delivered to me on that most false of holidays.

Today I took the first of what it appears will be many steps to clean my present and make it again the culinary beauty it once was.

I did not know that so much grease could accumulate on one surface.

I felt like I was in a movie with a creature rising from the black ooze in front of me.

Mostly I was frightened. I continue to be frightened. 

You see, this stove comes via a restaurant kitchen. An actual public eatery. Some people paid to eat food that was cooked on this horror show of an appliance.

I don't know what restaurant it was. I don't know who the chef might have been. 

I do know that when you add lemon scented cleaner to the aromas of stale grease you get an overwhelming perfume of lemon fish.

I pray to the Ontario Public Health Units. I pray to Gordon Ramsay in all his Kitchen Nightmare Glory. I pray that whoever is responsible for that mess is no longer serving the public in any food related form.

And I think it might be some time before I feel safe in a restaurant again.


Tasty Trix said...

Great present but ... gross!!Methinks we all eat food from stoves that are less than ... ideal.

Jeannie said...

I salute you! I would just dump the whole thing to the junkyard. Do show us how it looks like after you have cleaned it up:D

Heiko said...

Maybe a before and after shot?

Jenn said...

i thought about it heiko...i really didn't want to make anyone vomit on my site!
would you accept a hal (possibly 1/3 way) shot?

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